Don´t call for help!

Sophia19:09 Minuten und 40 BilderBondage

Blue ropes on a chair

Sophia15:40 Minuten und 55 BilderBondage

Hände hoch Kleines...

Eve11:45 MinutenBondage
Hände hoch Kleines... 1
Hände hoch Kleines... 2
Doofe Siuation für Eve, Hände oben festgebunden, Füsse bewegungsunfähig, am Bett von allen Seiten fixiert und nur ein Höschen an. Und diesen verdammten Knebel im Mund hasst sie sowieso, aber genau deshalb gefällt er uns ja so gut ;-)
Schlagworte: topless, tapegag, tied feet

Sophias final hogtie.

Sophia11:27 Minuten und 65 BilderBondage
Sophias final hogtie. 1
Sophias final hogtie. 2
Sophias final hogtie. 3
Sophias final hogtie. 4

Sophia is baby sitting by a friend and the little boy wants to play a game........Sophia is completely unsuspecting when she saw the ropes. What can be dangerous with some ropes? OK, lets play.....
After a few minutes and some ropes later, she is changing her mind, but then it is too late for changing or trying to do anything ;-)

So thats the last set of Sophia on this site......she is going away to the USA forever......good luck!

Yoga girl Sophia hogtied

Sophia17:29 Minuten und 69 BilderBondage
Cindy tied up with tape 0
Cindy tied up with tape 1
Cindy tied up with tape 2
Cindy tied up with tape 3
Cindy tied up with tape 4

Poor Cindy helpless sitting on a chair and gagged with a big yellow ballgag.

Schlagworte: bondage, topless, ballgag, tapegag

Vanessa as a ballerina part 1

Vanessa13:24 Minuten und 90 BilderBondage
Vanessa as a ballerina part 1 1
Vanessa as a ballerina part 1 2
Vanessa as a ballerina part 1 3
Vanessa as a ballerina part 1 4

Vanessa will be trained to be a good ballerina, so she has to pass a lot of tasks. A lot of feet and body stretching.....

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